
教育学出国留学|2015年09月25日 11:30
  香港大学,简称港大(英语:The University of Hong Kong,HKU),1910年于香港岛成立。香港大学自创校以来始终采用英语教学,其学术研究多可与欧美无缝对接、良性互动,也得益于此,在很长一段时间里,以医学、商科、人文、政法等领域见长的香港大学都是中国高等教育界一面独特的旗帜,享誉亚洲乃至世界,最新的QS大学排行榜中,香港大学以88.6的评分位列全球第26位。港大有很多大名鼎鼎的校友,比如国父孙中山、作家张爱玲、现代美学的开拓者朱光潜、另外还有黄国彬、梁锦松、林夕、方力申、许冠杰等等社会各界知名人士。


  香港大学的教育硕士划归在香港大学教育学院旗下,香港大学教育学院(HKU Faculty of Education)于1984年正式成立,其前身是成立于1917年的HKU Department for the Training of Teachers,拥有100名来自全世界各地的全职教职工。港大的教育类学科在15年QS世界大学学科排名中位列第6名,港大的教育硕士也是王牌专业之一。

  1、Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
  2、Master of Education
  3、Master of Science in Information Technology in Education
  4、Master of Science in Library and Information Management
  5、Master of Science in Audiology

  每一个授课式硕士课程下面都有系统的分支和类别,今天我们来说说第二个,Master of Education (简称MEd)教育学硕士。香港大学自从1978年开设教育学硕士这类课程,毕业生就业很广,包括学校管理,规章制定,成人教育,教师培训,课堂教学,教学评估,课程编纂以及教学调研等多个领域。与此同时,随着时代发展科技进步,教学内容还在进一步完善和更新,教育硕士结构也在不断规划和重组,给予申请者更多灵活的选择。


  MEd专业由The Specialist Strand和The Generalist Educational Studies Strand两个大方向组成,申请者必须在申请前就决定好自己的方向。
  “Generalist Educational Studies Strand”的核心课程主要包括教育学领域概括性的理论和最新的发展,以及如何改善教育现状等。

  Educational Studies
  “The Specialist Strand”提供17个不同专业方向的分支,每个分支是个相对独立的项目,因此申请者必须在申请前就决定好自己的分支。

  Chinese Language and Literature 主要学习现代汉语文学,古典汉语文学,中国文化,写作等课程。本学位可被认可为同等语言专业学位。
  Chinese Language Education 主要学习汉语语言学,汉语教学,语文课程设计等课程。
  Comparative and Global Studies in Education and Development 主要学习比较教育学的研究理论和方法。
  Designing Powerful Learning Environments 主要学习改善和提高“教与学”的理论和方法。
  Early Childhood Education 主要学习幼儿阶段的教育理论和方法。
  Educational Administration and Management 主要学习学校管理和教育系统的管理的理论和方法。
  English Language Education 主要学习英语课程设计,语法和词汇,二语习得和社会语言学。
  Higher Education 主要学习高等教育的相关理论,如何改善高等教育学府的教与学。
  Language Across the Curriculum 主要学习如何用英语进行学科类课程的教学
  Teaching Chinese as a Second Language 主要学习对外汉语教学。毕业后可得到全球认可的IB Teacher Certificate
  Youth Studies 主要学习如何改善对于青年的教育,课程包括社会与青年发展,青年与教育等。

  English Language Studies [part-time mode only]
  Mathematics Education [part-time mode only]
  Psychological Studies in Education [part-time mode only]
  Inclusive and Special Education[part-time mode only]
  Teaching Chinese to Non-Chinese Speaking Students [part-time mode only]
  Teaching of Mathematics in an International Context [part-time mode only]
  The Specialist Strand下属的每个研究领域都包括了四个核心的模块课程,再加上一个研究方法课程,关于选修课程,学生有两个选择:1门选修课 Dissertation(=3个模块),或者3门选修课 Project(=1个模块)
  Generalist Educational Studies Strand包括一个核心模块,一个研究方法课程,选修模块,学生同样有两个选择:4门选修课 Dissertation(=3个模块),或者6门选修课 Project(=1个模块)

  Theories and practices in counseling and group guidance
  Student Development: Theory, Research and Practice
  Psychology and education of the gifted and talented
  Systemic functional linguistics and Chinese language education
  School-based teacher development in Hong Kong and China
  Improving student learning through variation
  Managing disruptive behavior. in school
  Technology and teaching Chinese as a second language
  Counselling, career education and talent development in schools
  Reading theory and its application to Chinese language education
  Educational decision-making - Theory and Practice
  Chinese language teaching and learning in school-based context
  School policy and curriculum for sex education
  Life education policy and curriculum MEDD7101 Achieving professional development to becoming a 21st century teacher
  Learning to notice: Towards effective teaching and quality classroom research
  Effective teaching of mathematics, science and liberal studies for English language learners Drama appreciation and teaching
  Blended learning instructional strategies for teaching and learning
  Analysis of Quantitative Research in Education
  Assessment of young exceptional children: Issues and trend
  Counselling process and skills for educators
  Individual and home predictors of students’ academic achievement
  Learning how to learn: Understanding and fostering student learning
  Cultural, ethical and legal awareness for teachers
  Structure of Modern Chinese and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
  Young children in the media
  Chinese Literature Appreciation and Teaching

  我们仅拿The Specialist Strand下属的Teaching Chinese as a Second Language 对外汉语专业来举个例子,这个专业主要学习对外汉语教学。毕业后可得到全球认可的IB Teacher Certificate,毕业生也可以从事其他国际性的课程教学。

  Teaching Chinese language in international contexts
  Chinese (L2) assessment and reporting
  Chinese (L2) school-based curriculum design
  Research and teaching practice in second language classrooms

  Integrating the IB philosophy into Chinese language teaching
  同时,同学们还要在学一门研究方法课程(包括2个模块),1门选修课 dissertation(=3个模块)或者三门选修课 project(=1个模块),选修课从上述提到的25门中选择。

  其实港大的教育硕士划分的还是非常具体和系统的,而且在不断的与时俱进中给予学生更多的选择,比如Teaching of Mathematics in an International Context就是今年最新加入的;同时港大也很强调培养学生的兴趣,这点在选修课程中也有所体现,港大强调,即使这门课程和你的专业无关,但是你很感兴趣,那么学院也是非常鼓励你去尝试的,因为有兴趣的话你就能完成的很好,有一些课程还直接和教育有关的考试相扣,攻读完课程就能拿到证书,还提供不同的学习方式供学生选择,教学方式也非常的灵活和多样化,很重视小组的讨论和团队合作,整个大的学习环境是比较开放和自由的。


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